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Little Miss Smarty-Pants by Suzanne Kopoulos

Little Miss Smarty-Pants is first the memoir I have laughed my way through most of. Suzanne Kopoulos really lets it all hang out. She didn't hold much, if anything, back. As you might expect, she did change the names. I give her a lot of credit. Granted I didn't have as diverse a life as Suzanne, but I couldn't sit down and write about my life like she has. Give Suzanne Kopoulos a gold star for guts!

She may be about 10 years older than I am, but I could relate to a lot of what she talks about in Little Miss Smarty-Pants. From a high-school boyfriend she calls Joe Trailer, whose only perceivable ambition in life was to own a double-wide trailer, to dying her hair the same orange-red as Lucille Ball. Suzanne develops a close friendship with a guy, Jack aka Pookie, while in her first year of college in 1982; a friendship that lasts to this day.

Giving this book 5 stars was easy. A book that keeps me reading until well past 10pm (I didn’t close the book until 1:30am the first night/early morning) is rare. Suzanne made me cry, feel her pain (Dr. Love), laugh and a few other emotions all in 320 pages. Please give this book a chance!

You really get a taste of her sense of humor in some of these answers. Here is her interview:

~Kylee’s Book Blog: Do you have any superstitions or rituals when you're writing? Is there anything in particular that inspires you?
Suzanne Kopoulos: I don't have any superstitions, but I DO need to have all of my chores done. I can't write unless the kids (Sadie Mae, Gumbo and Flipper Mae) have been fed, I've worked out (running, swimming or weight lifting) and any other daily chores have been completed. I don't like to have any outstanding tasks hanging over my head when I write.

I wouldn't actually say that I get inspired but ideas do pop into my head in the strangest places such as the shower, while walking the dog, or driving to the grocery store. I have notebooks stashed EVERYWHERE! Dialog seems to come to me while I'm in the shower. That's really inconvenient. I've lost count as to how many times I've actually gotten out of the shower and tiptoed to the study in search of a notepad while dripping water all over the floor.

KBB: If you had to describe your writing to someone in only 3 words, what would they be?
SK: funny, irreverent, heartfelt

KBB: What does your family think of your writing?
SK: My parents are proud of me. They've always wanted me to write. They have NO idea where my storytelling ability comes from. It makes them scratch their heads but they've both encouraged me to keep it up. However, they do wish I'd try writing fiction next time! My husband had been suggesting that I return to my journalistic roots by writing for our local newspaper. That didn't really appeal to me. I didn't want to write on anyone else's schedule. But he brought up the subject often enough that I guess it stuck in my head. When I said I wanted to write a book, his only request was that I limit my musings about our home life. He does not want to be the star of my next book!

KBB: What kind of TV shows do you watch? (comedies, dramas, etc)
SK: I watch TV as an escape. I really liked Pushing Daisies this year. It had just the right blend of humor, whimsy, and romance for me. I am also devoted to What Not To Wear. Clinton and Stacy are my idols. I'll do whatever they say. All of my friends know that I can't dress myself...not without a lot of help! I will also watch just about any gardening or home decorating show. And, I've recently become a BBC America freak. I really enjoyed Hex a few years ago and now I'm a big fan of Torchwood.

KBB: What is one item that you could not live without? What is your favorite junk/comfort food?
SK: I cannot live without some sort of lip color whether it's tinted lip gloss or lipstick. This girl needs some color on her face! Without it, I'm completely washed out. As for junk/comfort food, I'm a Mac & Cheese gal. I'm actually thinking about blogging about my obsessive love of mac & cheese.

KBB: Where can my blog readers buy your books?
SK: Your readers can find my book at,, and They can also ask any local bookseller to order it for them. I'm hoping to have the book stocked in a few local, independent stores in Chicago, but my publisher has to work out some issues with its distributor before that can happen.

KBB: Are you working on anything currently? If so, would you tell me about it?
SK: I have a few ideas rattling around in my head. A lot of people expect a follow-up to Little Miss Smarty-Pants. That's always an option. I definitely have plenty of material. Heck, I could write a book about the behind-the-scenes adventures of writing a book at this point. But I also have two ideas for fiction novels. Nothing too heavy. That's not my style. I'm most comfortable writing about friendships...with an alternative twist. There's a good chance I may begin spending an inordinate amount of time in Chicago's drag clubs!

KBB: Any other plug you would like me to give? (plugs are good!)
SK: If readers like Little Miss Smarty-Pants, please consider writing a review on and/or For a first-time writer from a small publishing company, friendly reviews from fellow readers are like gold!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to stop by and say "HI!" Saw your blog on Shelfari. I blog about books as well...and everything else too. J. Kaye's Book Blog is a dumping ground for my!